Sunday, September 13, 2009

I defend a Republican..But it's not Eric Cantor.

A lot has been said about the outburst during President Obama's joint speech to congress. Now, I have probably an unpopular opinion about this. Ignore the fact that this outburst is so eerily similar to the scene in the movie Idiocracy (right down to the guy from South Carolina yelling at the President). You see, I don't really have an issue with what Joe Wilson R-SC did. I have an issue with what he said.

We can pretend all we want that Capitol Hill is this sacred hallowed ground, but the truth is crooked politicians have erased any true semblance of decorum. Joe Wilson let his emotions get the best of him and acted rudely. He apologized to the President, and the President accepted it.
End of story as far as the outburst goes. I think it's a mistake for Congressional Democrats to attempt to force a 2nd public apology on the record on the floor of congress. The guy fucked up. Do we now need to rub his nose in shit too?

What needs to be pointed out is that he was either incorrect, or lying himself, when he said Obama lied. The Health Care Bill currently before congress clearly states "No Benefits For Undocumented Aliens". What Republicans keep harping on is that the bill doesn't force everyone to "Prove" they are citizens.

So basically, you would have to bring your birth certificate with you to every doctors appointment. Of course they are suggesting a federal ID. Which many Constitutional scholars believe would not survive legal challenges.

So, sorry Joe! Obama did not lie. You and your Flat Earth Society friends have created another bullshit story to make people afraid. And I get it. George Bush and Karl Rove taught us all that leading through fear works. But it's immoral and needs to stop.

I say stop talking about what Joe Wilson DID, talk about what's wrong with what he SAID!

Now for Eric Cantor R-VA.....

It was far more disrespectful for Cantor to sit there text messaging his buddies on his Blackberry, than it was for Wilson to get upset and act like a dumbass. Cantor is 46 years old a Congressman. He is old enough to know that if he wants to bitch about the lack of Bipartisan support he needs to pay attention to the other party when they talk. You can't complain that your adversary won't give you the time of day, and then ignore them when they speak.

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I am married and I am a proud father. I have family that I love, and friends that are family. I am very opinionated.