Tuesday, September 8, 2009

My Email to President Obama

Might not be the most eloquent thing I've written, but this is what I emailed the President tonight.

Dear President Obama, First, I would like to thank you for your well thought out, and contrite message to school children today. My Daughter's class will be watching it on Thursday, much to my encouragement. Secondly, I have a complaint. I have been a big supporter. I voted for you in both the primary, and general elections. You EARNED my vote, a first ever for me. Instead of voting for the lesser of evils. But now, you are in danger of losing that support. I fully support a NATIONAL HEALTH CARE SYSTEM. The whole "Public Option" thing is a compromise. We are the only developed western nation without it. And now you are talking about compromising on the compromise? That is asinine and ridiculous. Democrats have for the longest time been referred to as pussies! And now, you want to cave into the Republicans? Last time I checked, they LOST the election, correct? If they want "Bi-partisan" bills, they need to jump on our ship, not the other way around. Tell Mitch McConnell, and John Boehner to go fuck themselves.

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I am married and I am a proud father. I have family that I love, and friends that are family. I am very opinionated.